

Kaplsy delivers insights for Entrepreneurs and Service Providers, offering tips, analysis and knowledge about the startup ecosystem, service for equity, venture studios, alternative funding options and sustainable business building.

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Venture Clienting: A Catalyst for Medtech Innovation

In the fast-paced world of Medtech, staying ahead of the curve isn't just an advantage—it's a necessity. As traditional models of innovation struggle to keep pace with the speed of technological advancement, a new approach is gaining traction: venture clienting. This model, eschewing the complexities of equity investments and acquisitions, instead positions large corporations as clients of innovative startups.

It's an approach that promises to reshape the landscape of corporate innovation, particularly in the Medtech sector. 

the power of peer-to-peer support

The Power of Peer-to-Peer Support: Unleashing Entrepreneurial Potential

Entrepreneurship is a journey fraught with challenges, uncertainties, and countless decisions to be made. For founders navigating the complex terrain of startup life, finding the right support system can be a game-changer. While traditional mentorship and coaching have their place, a growing movement in the startup ecosystem is recognizing the immense value of peer-to-peer support networks. In this article, we'll explore why moderated peer-to-peer group meetings are emerging as a powerful resource for entrepreneurs and how they can accelerate startup success.

can a founder be overcoached?

Why Many HealthTech Founders Are Overcoached And How To Stop It

The journey of a HealthTech founder is an exciting and challenging one. As they navigate the complex landscape of healthcare innovation, they often seek guidance and support from mentors, advisors, and coaches. While mentorship and coaching are incredibly valuable, there is a growing concern that many HealthTech founders might be overcoached.

The Value of Service-for-Equity Deals for Startups

The Value of Service-for-Equity Deals for Startups

Securing early funding to build a product without traction is a daunting task. With economic uncertainties all around the globe in particular, traditional financing options like venture capital or loans are less accessible, leaving startups searching for alternative ways to grow and scale their businesses.

Evaluating the Risks and Rewards of Service-for-Equity Deals

Evaluating the Risks and Rewards of Service-for-Equity Deals

Service-for-equity arrangements can be a powerful tool for startups and service providers to collaborate and achieve mutual growth. However, like any business decision, these deals come with risks and rewards that should be carefully evaluated before entering into an agreement. 

Service for equity: How to get started

Service-for-Equity: How to get started

The startup landscape is constantly evolving, and so are the strategies for growth and success. With investors pulling in and out of markets, it is sensible to explore and understand alternative options as well.

Now is a great time to invest in startups.

Why now is a good time to invest in startups

Based on the latest VC-funding downturn and the overall economic situation, it is easy to believe that investing in startups could not be a good idea at the moment. Late-stage funding went down by 40% quarter over quarter. Early-stage funding is down 39% compared to last year. Seed stage funding has been impacted the least until now. It looks like there won’t be a quick V-shaped economic recovery like after Covid. 


How to get through the fundraising downturn

Being a founder today sort of sucks. If you missed the opportunity to raise money during the all-time high of valuations and VC-funding, well, you missed out. But also startups that did not miss out struggle and face down rounds, which is often the beginning of the end.


Showcase autonomyo: Faster progress without funding

Getting a complex medtech and digital health product to market usually takes a lot of time and capital. Autonomyo was able to accelerate this process and even do this without capital. An example that many startups can follow with the solution from KAPSLY.


How to become a Venture Studio in a day

Working on exciting new projects and benefiting from the financial upside sounds like a dream project to many agency owners.

But how can it be done in a professional way?

get ready for service for equity

How startups can prepare for service for equity investments.

Did you know that the value of sweat equity in the USA equals 1.2 times their GDP, which is over 20 trillion USD1? I was stunned when I read that.

The market for service-for-equity is probably not so big (yet). But it is definitely a serious option to get the resources you need to build a business. It is much more direct than fundraising and finding investors because here you can take the direct route. You can read a lot about fundraising and find programs that guide you through it. But what about service-for-equity and finding the right service investor? Not much on that.

So keep on reading if you consider this option to build your startup.


How service investing works with KAPSLY

Service investments are still very rare and not many people talk about them. It is not professionalized and celebrated like venture capital and closing a funding round, but it will get there. 


5 ways to invest your services into promising startups

One of the main reasons startups fail is because they run out of money or have the wrong team. You're thinking, "that has nothing to do with me," that's probably true. But maybe you could do something about it and actually help startups succeed while increasing your team's utilization and generating higher profits for your agency. This blog post is for service agencies who want to help startups build their company and share in their success. 


Sales myths busted

  1. It’s time to expand to new verticals

Facebook started with Harvard. Then Ivy League. Then US colleges. Then other colleges. AirBnB started with the San Francisco Bay Area. Then San Francisco. Then California. “Going global” sounds great, but make sure you do it if it makes 100% sense, and only then.


5 Common Thinking Mistakes from Startup Founders

1) Believing that you need VC money

Founders often believe that to build a great startup, one necessarily needs venture capitalists’ financial help, or as we call it at BV4: “VC money”. This is the biggest misconception that a founder can make. To all the founders out there: you do not need VC money to be successful. To be successful, you need a strong complementary team that knows each other well, a great solution to an existential problem, a ton of hard work, and some investors that believe in you, but these investors must not necessarily be VCs. And yes, some luck is also essential to success.


Design Sprint — What? Why? Who? When? How?

The current pandemic has put numerous businesses against the ropes, pushing them to reinvent in pursuit of survival. COVID-19 has challenged where and how companies work, how they engage with customers, and even the customers’ purchasing behaviors. Consequently, many of these companies, from diverse industries, have “turned to practices commonly associated with agile teams in the hope of adapting more quickly to changing business priorities.” Agile, once a software project management tool, is gaining traction across traditional industries that require innovative solutions, increasing their adaptability, and continuous learning.


Why start-ups should think about bookkeeping and HR from day one?

It is a legal requirement for start-ups to deal with topics, accounting, and HR. What working with a partner for bookkeeping and HR does is to enable start-ups to have an optimal administrative setup and access to expertise in line with their needs. For this, the outsourcing partner must be as agile as the start-up itself.

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